Online Test

Tuberculosis - OT - 5 Hour


You will need to answer 18 questions correctly to pass the test.

1. Tuberculosis is caused by a ____________. (p. 3)

2. After a person with infectious TB sneezes, droplet nuclei may remain suspended in the air for several _______. (p. 4)

3. Infection begins when the droplet nuclei reaches the _________. (p. 4)

4. A person with TB infection is not infectious. (p. 5)

5. TB occurs in places other than the lungs, such as the larynx, the lymph nodes, the pleura, the brain, the kidneys, or the bones and joints. (p. 6)

6. A patient demonstrates the following: positive skin test, negative smears, negative clinical TB signs, and negative x-ray evidence. This patient would be best classified as _________. (p. 7)

7. In the United States, physicians and other health care providers are required by law to report TB cases to their state or local health department. (p. 8)

8. The risk of being exposed to TB is higher in nursing homes and correctional facilities than in other places. (p. 11)

9. In the United States, all health care workers are required to have the BCG vaccination for tuberculosis. (p. 12)

10. Which of the following would be considered a positive TB skin test reaction? (p. 14)

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps for diagnosing TB disease? (p. 20)

12. As many as 20% of patients found to have TB disease have a negative tuberculin skin test reaction. (p. 22)

13. Bronchoscopy is the easiest and least expensive method to obtain a specimen for bacteriological examination. (p. 23)

14. The usual regimen for preventive therapy is ____ given daily for_______. (p. 27)

15. TB disease must be treated with at least two drugs to which the bacilli are susceptible. (p. 30)

16. What is the most effective strategy to ensure that individuals with tuberculosis adhere to their treatment? (p. 30)

17. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) often develops in patients who do not adhere to or complete the proper treatment for standard tuberculosis. (P. 34)

18. Treatment of MDR-TB requires the use of at least three different first line drugs. (p. 34)

19. Usually, only people with pulmonary or laryngeal TB are infectious. (p. 35)

20. Which of the following is NOT a component of an effective TB infection control program? (p. 37)

21. All health care workers who enter an AII room should wear at least an __________ respirator. (p. 42)

22. What is the recommended method used to clean a soiled blood pressure cuff used on a patient with TB? (p. 44)

23. Some patient rights may be overridden in the interest of protecting the public's health (for example, an uncooperative, infectious patient may be quarantined until noninfectious) (p. 49)

24. Adherence is important because TB is nearly always curable if patients adhere to their TB treatment regimen. (p. 56)

25. Who has legal responsibility for TB control activities including treatment protocols for non-adherent patients? (p. 60)

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